About WBTR
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Wisconsin Boston Terrier Rescue is a dedicated group of wonderful volunteers devoted to re-homing Boston Terriers in need in the state of Wisconsin. Whether the dogs are abandoned, picked up as strays or surrendered by their owners, we are here to assist. We are not a shelter. All dogs are fostered in private homes and receive all needed veterinary care prior to placement, including but not limited to spaying/neutering, vaccinations and HW testing.
We typically only adopt to homes in Wisconsin. On occasion, exceptions may be made to adopt to the bordering states of Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota. Wisconsin Boston Terrier Rescue’s mission is not to find families for a Boston Terrier, but to find the best family for a Boston Terrier. We often receive dozens of applications for a particular dog, and we have the difficult decision of selecting which family is the best fit for that dog. If you are not selected for one dog, please be patient, stay in touch via e-mail, and apply again for another dog in need that interests you.
Interested applicants are asked to fill out our Prospective Adoption Application before being considered for adoption.
If you submit an adoption application for a Boston Terrier on our website, please be patient and give us up to two weeks to return your contact. Please understand that you will be required to undergo and/or submit the following before your adoption is complete: home visit conducted by a volunteer; personal reference check; veterinarian reference check; fully completed and approved application; adoption fee. Fees vary by age and special needs and will be listed in Facebook and Petfinder posts for each available dog.
If you know of a Boston Terrier in need of assistance, please contact wbtrsurrender@gmail.com.
Wisconsin Seller's License: #466310-DS
About Boston Terriers
A brief question-and-answer section about the breed.
Are Boston Terriers good with kids and other pets?
Boston Terriers usually do well with children. We make every effort to match your lifestyle to the dog's personality. Other dogs and cats should be introduced in a controlled environment to ensure a smooth transition from stranger to housemate. However, any interaction should be closely monitored.
Do Boston Terriers shed?
Yes, but very little compared to most breeds. They are generally clean dogs, and do not require constant bathing.
Are the Boston Terriers housebroken?
Most are, and whatever we know we will gladly share with you prior to placement. Remember, we want this adoption to work as much as you do!
We strongly recommend the use of a crate, as most dogs will not relieve themselves in their "house." It is usually only a matter of working with them for the first few days so that they understand that "outside" is where they go. They are intelligent dogs, and want to please, so it is important to get them into a routine as soon as possible.
A crate is used to ease the dog's transition into the open spaces of your home. It serves a number of purposes. First, it gives the dog a safe haven during the adjustment period. Secondly, if you work, crating the dog while he is unsupervised can prevent a host of problems!
In addition, if your dog is crate trained, you will more than likely be able to find many friends and neighbors willing to "baby-sit" while you are away. Having to kennel your dog is usually a very great concern to owners, as the majority of kennels are un-manned during the nighttime hours. And, being creatures of habit, a kennel is not an environment in which most Boston Terriers will thrive.
What about fences?
Because of their adaptability, Boston Terriers do well in modest-sized apartments, townhouses, and houses. A fenced yard or patio area ensures your Boston Terrier's safety. We feel that a fence is critical in homes with children younger than 10, who may not appreciate or understand the quick nature of these little dogs. However, we are prepared to assess each situation individually.
How long do Boston Terriers live?
The average life expectancy of a Boston Terrier is 12-15 years old, and the average size is 12-30 pounds.

About Volunteering with WBTR
We are always happy to welcome new volunteers to our group. There are many ways in which you can help including fostering, transporting, and doing home visits to adoption applicants in your area. If you are interested in our volunteer opportunities, please e-mail wbtrvolunteer@gmail.com. If you are interested in becoming a foster parent for a Boston, please click here to complete our Volunteer Application. All volunteer applications must be submitted via the online form.
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